I design and make custom-decorated wooden furniture using traditional techniques and materials. I use veneers and marquetry to elevate the designs, adding elegance and drama to traditional styles. I focus mostly on small tables and jewelry boxes, cabinets, and armoires, since they provide the most surfaces for my work.  

I also teach these techniques in my shop in Charlottesville, to encourage others to dress up their furniture or find new materials and approaches to create art. My website has class information, and I will be displaying items and techniques from the classes during the Tour. 

I will have a limited number of jewelry cases on display, either for purchase or as a starting point for a custom piece. 

I also make smaller gift items: backgammon and chess boards and sets, small jewelry boxes, display or keepsake boxes, marquetry pictures, and serving boards that are “too pretty to use” but will provide solid service for decades.

Studio 8
Charlottesville cluster

instagram @HellerAndHellerFurniture
facebook /HellerHellerFurniture


