Nature inspires me with its colors, patterns, designs, textures, and forms. Through the years, I’ve learned to take time to look—to find and see what would otherwise be missed. I have not only used my own eyes, but the lenses of my cameras, my fingers, my tongue, or my ears in order to see, touch or taste (if able), to hear and discover … and to learn. There is so much in the world of nature to be inspired by and to capture with a camera, drawing, painting or with clay, etc. The child in me is always excited to share my joy in discovery as well as in creating. 

I started my Ligon Art business in 1975, with a focus on creating with enamels and mixed metals. In 2003, I discovered polymer clay (a petroleum-based, inedible plastic, oven-cured clay), which is available in many different brands and colors. Working with it satisfied my desire to create with color, pattern and design through cane. Cane-making is the process of creating patterns or designs with sheets of clay or rolled rods of clay that, when sliced, provide multiples of the same pattern or design.  

Sculpey Premo is my clay of choice because of its strength, colorfastness, and non-smearing properties. Polymer clay is easily combined with other materials, which often results in fantastic, interesting, and durable forms.

Studio 4
North cluster

instagram @ligonart
facebook /Judith.ligon