I came to clay as a second vocation. For 10 years, I taught high school biology. I worked to cultivate in my students a desire to explore the world, while also encouraging scientific inquiry. I find these two skills serve me just as well in the studio.

I left teaching and returned to the classroom as a student at Haywood Community College, completing an Associates Degree in Professional Crafts. From there I moved to Floyd, Virginia, and worked as an apprentice to studio potter Silvie Granatelli.

I now live and work in my studio/home on the Blue Ridge Parkway, building a life as a studio potter in Floyd, Virginia.  

Each day, it is a conscious choice for me to make pots, to entice others to use and share these forms. These decisions shape our world of external objects as well as our inner sense of self.   The clear purpose of a bowl—the proxy for hands cupped together holding, carrying, containing that which will nourish our bodies and our minds: my mind and hands shape each piece with those intentions. And as the pots move out into the world, my touch is extended to the people who take these pieces into their own homes to use.

My pottery is made of porcelain clay and is fired in an electric and gas kiln to cone 10 (~2300F).  I seek to infuse my work with a sense of movement; the soft stroke of the hand giving comfort and thanks through use. All pots are food safe; hand washing is recommended.

Studio 10
Charlottesville cluster


instagram @wrennpottery
facebook /wrennpottery
